Thursday, March 24, 2011

River Rafting at Padas River (Kota Kinabalu)

Date: 19/1/2011

After a tiring 2 days climb up and down Mt Kinabalu, I was really worried that my friends were not prepared/not looking forward to the river rafting at Padas River which is classified as Class 3-4 river. But turn out, they were feeling great and all were eager to fight on head to head with the various rapids like washing-machine, merry-go-round and etc!!

The van picked us up at 8am and we managed to buy McDonald for breakfast from McD which was located near to our condo. We were told that the whole journey to Beaufort/Tenom town will take us around 4 hours (which include resting and lunch time) and from there, we will be taking a 30 minutes train ride to Pangie, the starting point of our rafting adventure and through out the train ride we will be passing by villages of the Murut tribes.

We stopped by for some photos taking session and lunch before heading to the train station. The lunch was not bad altho the serving wasn't much. Some of them really enjoyed the open space train ride that we took from town to our starting point as it was something we wouldn't able to do back in Singapore as all MRTs are covered!! Once we reached our starting point, safety briefing was given to all participants and soon our adventure begun!!
Check out some of the pictures that we bought from the tour operator. We paid them Rm120 for the pictures. At first, we thought it was rather expensive buying the pictures for that amount of money, but we had a lot of laughter while we looked back at the pictures when we were back to our condo. We heard that they offered the pictures to a couple for only Rm50. I guess they charge their pictures by the number of people taking part in the rafting.
Contary to popular belief that rafting is dangerous, I find that rafting is a matter of fact a very fun and exciting and not to mention safe activity (cause the local operators take safety matters seriously). This is the second time I did it at Padas River and my advice is, if you don't do it at Kota Kinabalu, please don't do it anywhere!! Cause I've done rafting at Phuket and Bali and the rafting there are no where as exciting and fun as this one that I did at Kota Kinabalu!!

And just for your info, even tho the rafting finished around 4pm, we were only managed to reach our condo at 9pm because there was only 1 train going back to the town where we came from and it only arrived at 5pm. Well, even so we really really enjoyed the rafting and we know that a sumptious seafood dinner is waiting for us!!!

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